Jacob Hopkins on Acting, His Biggest Surprise and Never Losing Hope

Amy Barnard Photography

Amy Barnard Photography


1.RAINE: Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have given yourself 5 years ago?

It’s really important to listen.  Let’s see, five years ago - well I was extremely talkative. While this actually helped me book roles by showing my personality, there would be times I missed instructions inside and outside of acting because I wouldn’t stop yappin’. Thank goodness I was such a cute kid and got away with it…most of the time. I’m still very talkative and I wouldn’t change that, but I’m also a very good listener too.



2. RAINE: If someone asked you how could they stimulate their creativity, what advice would you give?

Follow your heart. Creativity stems from your emotions. Whenever I’m facing a mind block while acting or drawing, or even practicing martial arts, I always calm myself and listen to my heart’s pleas. If you do this, your natural instincts will take over and you’ll create works of art you didn’t even know you could.



3. RAINE: Have you ever faced the issue of burnout in your career? If so, how did you overcome it?

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t; everyone has! I remember recording an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, and I was about a quarter through my session. I realized that I just wasn’t my usual self, and I asked for a five minute break. Of course, the amazing voice over director (and my mentor) Richard Overall said, “Of course!” I stepped out of the booth, went into a room by myself, and calmed my mind. I prayed and asked to be blessed with energy and creativity. When I opened my eyes, I not only felt good, I felt incredibly invigorated. Stepping away from the problem to obtain clarity helped immensely. I skipped right back into the booth, exclaimed “Ready,” and recorded one of my all-time favorite episodes “The Bros”!



4. RAINE: If there was one thing you could have changed during your journey as a creative entrepreneur, what would it be and why?

I don’t think I would’ve changed anything. I’ve lived my life so far without regret, because I know everything will work out in the end. God has a plan for all of us, and we just have to roll with the punches and make the best of what we’ve got.



5. RAINE: What was the biggest surprise you have experienced in building your business or career?

I remember being 11 years old, climbing into my bed to get ready for another day of 6th grade. My mom yells from the opposite room, “Jake, you just got your first voice over audition!” I yelled back, “Cool, what is it?” Almost pondering, she says, “It’s for this show called The Amazing World of Gu-’” I screamed “What?!”, bounced out of bed, zoomed into the other room, and almost died of excitement. Gumball will forever be my gateway to the fantastical world of voiceover and my most treasured role of all time.



6. RAINE: What life experience impacted you the most and how did it change you or your course in life?

I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t be the same person if not for martial arts. When I was nine years old, my eyes were opened to the world of martial arts through action movies and animation. I really wanted to know how to do tornado roundhouse kicks and flips and wall running. So, I became a taekwondo practitioner. After eight years (almost nine) of putting 110% plus ultra of my blood, sweat, body, and mind into taekwondo, I’m two stripes away from becoming a third degree black belt. Over these eight years of taekwondo I’ve been through, my outlook on life and strength has changed. To be strong means to be courageous, humble, and wise. It means to be a leader and teacher, and a protector of those who can’t protect themselves. You must be willing to dedicate every second of your life to improving yourself for the better, growing and maturing as a person. Taekwondo is one of the biggest stepping stones in my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.



7. RAINE: What is your “Why?” Why have you chosen to pursue this path?

Well, why not? I love cartoons and acting. Not just for the magical animations or the incredible acting, but for the guidelines to life they have the potential to instill. I’ll always remember Alan Oppenheimer, the voice of Skelletor and an absolute legend, sitting right next to me at the Tampa Bay Comic Con Panel telling the crowd, “I miss when cartoons taught the moral. They don’t do that anymore.” He’s right, although I do believe that we are starting to see morals making a return. I can attest to this because of the show I’m currently voicing for, Dragons: Rescue Riders. It’s perfectly aimed for young viewers and their families who can learn so much.



8. RAINE: What major project coming up are you most excited about?

I’m so excited to finally announce that I voice Axel Finke in the new Netflix animated series Dragons: Rescue Riders, a How to Train Your Dragon spin off series. I make my entrance in season 2, so stay tuned!



9. RAINE: What is the biggest problem that creatives face today and how would you solve it?

I would say that the media waters down truly exceptional things and just celebrates mediocrity. We only get to see whatever’s “trending,” and it’s all the same thing. Genuinely creative things don’t get to be seen very often, and I hope that changes one day. And trust me, it’ll take more than little ole me to fix it. But I have hope and faith that it will.



10. RAINE: What is one or more examples in how you have embraced your bold?

To me, bold means to stand up for something you believe in, even if you’re the only one. I continue to do this every day. 

Amy Barnard Photography

Amy Barnard Photography



11. RAINE: What are five things that your fans don’t know about you?
1) I’m an absolute Jack Nicholson and Scorsese fan.

2) I like animes other than Dragon Ball (like Dr Stone and Tokyo Ghoul).

3) I have an animated series in the works that I hope to pitch when I’m older (whenever that may be).

4) I’m tantalizingly close to becoming a third degree black belt in taekwondo.

5) I have over 300 hours of gameplay on Breath of the Wild.



12. RAINE: What words of wisdom can you share with others on a similar journey?

Never lose hope. Never lose faith. The road may be wild and unforgiving, but who said it would be easy? It’s hard on purpose. It’s hard so you can grow, learn and become the best you can be, and when you’re finally at the top of the mountain, you can view your growth from above and be glad at how strong you’ve become.


Raine Creative